Problems With The Big Bang (Part 1)
In this first post, I will list some problems with the big bang.
1) Inflationary Theory: In order for the big bang to be true, something known as inflation had to occur. Unfortunately, this involves an expansion of the universe that is faster than light speed. Consequently, inflation is impossible as it violates Einstein's relativity theory.
2) The Omega Ratio: If the big bang occurred, the density of the universe, known as the omega ratio, should be roughly equal to 1. However, the omega ratio has been calculated to be only around .2 (80% less than expected).
3) The universe is accelerating: If the universe was created in an explosion, the universe would expand and eventually slow down due to gravitational forces. But it most certainly would NOT accelerate. The expansion is clearly caused by something other than a big bang.
4) Violations of thermodynamics: If an explosion occurred and created all matter, the matter would be heated to very high degrees. In order for the matter to cool down, that heat would have to be transferred to some other matter. But if all matter was created in this explosion, it would all be very hot.
Thermodynamics states that energy transfer is always from hot to cold. Therefore, the universe would never have cooled if it were created by a big bang.
There are other problems as well that I will address in future posts. In the meantime, you can help my research in disproving the big bang.
For the sake of arguing:
1) Up to the inflatory period, the expansion rate of the universe was dominated by matter and radiation, causing the universe to cool, with the matter and radiation constantly "losing" energy (it isn't actually lost, how ever the energy density decreases proportional to the increase of the energy of the Higgs field). After about 10^-35 seconds the universe was cool enough that the energy density of the Higgs field was greater than that of matter and radiation, hence inflation occurs. Inflation continues until 10^-32 seconds, at which point the Higgs field has gained so much energy it can no longer be sustained, and all the energy is released in the form of massive Higgs particles distributed virtually homogeneously throughout the universe. These Higgs particles rapidly decay into ordinary forms of matter and radiation. You will notice that the percentage of particles remaining from the actual big bang will be close to zero. In any case, neither the original particles will have violated the speed of light, as the area surrounding them has increased in size by a factor of 10^50, nor the Higgs Particles will have violated the speed of light as they came into existence due to the Higgs field.
An analogy: You have a balloon, with an ant on it running at c, the speed of light. You now inflate the balloon to 100 times it's size. The ant's speed will not have changed.
2) I believe you are referring to the Density parameter, Ω, which is the observed density p divided by the critical density pc. A universe in which Ω=1 would signify a flat universe which would continue expanding infinitely, while Ω<1 or Ω>1 would signify a closed or open universe respectively.
A study published in January 2014 suggests that
Ω = Ωm + ΩΛ = ~0.279 + ~0.724 = 1.003 ±0.067
where Ωm is the density of matter (ordinary and dark) and ΩΛ is the density of dark matter.
In conclusion, Ω doesn't need to be 1. However, the fact that it's something close to 1 corroborates the idea that our universe is indeed a flat one.
3) The universe is not accelerating, I believe what you are referring to is the accelerating expansion of the universe. This acceleration is attributed to a cosmological constant Λ. Not much is known about Λ, however it is estimated that while Λ today makes up about 68.3% of the energy density of the universe, shortly after the big bang it wasn't significantly present.
One theory states that dark matter formed during the big bang is decaying into dark energy Λ over time, which causes the expansion of the universe to accelerate.
4) The belief that an explosion occurred is incorrect. Rather, space and time were created at the instant of the big bang, so in that sense the big bang occurred everywhere, similar to the way that any given point in the universe is seemingly the center of the universe, because it looks the same in all directions.
The second argument is true. However if the universe expands, matter (and hence, energy) tries to become distributed evenly throughout the space available. So while the energy of individual particles stays the same, the overall temperature of the universe decreases because the amount of space available increases.
Final thoughts:
The big bang should not be considered as a flawless description of the history of our universe. It is simply a model which more or less explains observations of our universe. There are still lot's of unsolved problems, but generally the ΛCDM-model is the most widely accepted model, supported by our current evidence. It will be polished and improved in the years to come, but it's foundation is pretty solid.
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